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카타르 항공 체크인 전 좌석 선택 기내식 선택

도공 2022. 8. 3. 16:55

카타르 항공 체크인 전
좌석 선택 및 기내식 선택

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항공권 구입 시 미리 좌석을 선택한 경우(별도 비용 지불)에는 언제든지 좌석 변경이 가능하다.

카타르 항공 체크인 전 좌석 선택
항공권 구입 시 미리 좌석을 선택하지 않고, 체크인 전에 좌석 선택을 하는 경우에는 36시간 전부터 선착순으로 선택이 가능하다고 안내하고 있지만, 실제로는 3일 전부터 열리는 경우도 있으니 수시로 체크! 선착순이고, 카타르 항공은 환승 공항으로 우리나라 사람들이 많이 이용하기 때문에 사람이 엄청 많다. 자주 체크하는 게 좋다.

카타르 항공 기내식 선택
Select / Change meal preference
카타르 항공 어플에서 예약 관리를 보다가 기내식 선택을 할 뻔 했다... 이유식, 저염식, 채식주의자, 힌두교 등 종교인들을 위한 스페셜 밀 선택을 할 수 있다. "선호하는 식사 없음"으로 선택하면 기내에서 직접 메뉴판을 보고 고를 수 있다.

카타르 항공 스페셜 밀 선택
Select / Change special meal preference
Baby Meal (BBML) - Pre-packaged baby food for infants up to two years. This is a standard meal provided for infants onboard and does not need to be requested at booking.
Children's Meal (CHML) - This may be a non-vegetarian meal that is suitable for young travellers. It may contain: Pancakes, pasta, breaded  chicken / fish fillets, chips, sweets, fruit, etc. For vegetarian choices, please request Veg CHML.
Vegetarian Meal - Vegan (VGML) - This is a strictly vegetarian meal that is completely free of animal products, including honey, eggs, and dairy products. It may contain: Vegetables, grains, and fruit. Does not contain: Meat, poultry, fish, cheese, honey, eggs, milk and dairy products.
Fruit Platter (FPML) - This meal only contains dry fruits and seasonal fresh fruit. Does not contain: Vegetables, meat, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs, caffeinated beverages, highly-processed foods, additives and preservatives.
Raw Vegetarian Meal (RVML) - This meal is for customers who prefer only raw vegetables with a variety of fresh fruit. It contains: Raw vegetables and fresh fruit. Does not contain: Meat, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs, caffeinated beverages, highly-processed foods, additives and preservatives.
Vegetarian Lacto-OVO Meal (VLML) - This is a vegetarian meal that includes eggs and dairy products. It may contain: Vegetables, fruit, cheese, eggs, dairy products, and soy products. Does not contain: Meat, poultry, fish, and seafood.
Vegetarian Oriental Meal (VOML) - This is an oriental style vegetarian meal. It may contain: Vegetables, grains, and fruit. Does not contain: Meat, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs,  milk and dairy products.
Asian Vegetarian Meal / Veg Hindu Meal (AVML) - This is a vegetarian meal flavoured with spices from the Indian sub-continent. It may contain: Vegetables, fruit, dairy products, spices and aromas associated with the Indian sub-continent. The meal could be mildly spiced. Does not contain: Meat, poultry, fish, seafood, and eggs.
Non-Vegetarian Hindu Meal (HNML) - This meal is prepared according to the requirements of the Hindu religion. This meal is non-vegetarian and prepared in an Indian style and mildly spiced . It may contain: Lamb, chicken, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products. Does not contain: Beef, veal, beef sauces, and beef extracts.
Vegetarian Jain Meal (VJML) - This is an Indian vegetarian meal prepared in accordance to Jain principles.It may contain: Vegetables grown above ground and fruit.Does not contain: Meat, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs, dairy products, root and bulbous vegetables such as onion, garlic, potatoes, ginger, etc.
Kosher Meal (KSML) - Prepared according to Jewish dietary law and purchased pre-packed from reputable manufacturers. Passover meals cannot be provided.
Diabetic Meal (DBML) - This is a diabetic meal that contains minimal sugar content with an equal balance of proteins, fats, fibre, and complex carbohydrates.It may contain: Lean meats, boiled potatoes, low fat milk, plain yogurt, vegetables, fresh fruit, whole grain rice, breads, pasta, cereal and steamed or poached prepared foods as a cooking style. Does not contain: Fried or fatty foods, sugar, syrups, jam, and sweets.
Gluten-Free Meal (GFML) - This meal is for customers on a gluten-free diet. It may contain: Lean meats, fish, rice, dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruit. Does not contain: Wheat and wheat flour, barley, oat and rye-based sauces, soups, breads, crackers, cakes, pastas, sweets, soups, sausages, starch and gravy.
Bland Meal (BLML) - This meal is for customers who prefer light and easily digestible foods that are low in fat and help prevent gastric discomfort. It may contain: Low-fat food items such as boiled meats, soft vegetables, mashed potatoes, milk, dairy products and steamed or poached prepared foods as a cooking style. Does not contain: Fried or fatty foods, nuts, garlic, onions, strong scented spice, pickles and mustard.
Low-Salt / Sodium Meal (LSML) - This meal is for customers who are on a low-sodium diet where no salt is added during preparation. It may contain: Any fresh or frozen food which is low in salt. Meal can be flavoured with herbs and spices. Does not contain: Free of additional salt, MSG, baking powder, shellfish, salt-cured meats or fish, gravies, canned vegetables, fish, pickles, and salty cheese.
Non-Lactose Meal (NLML) - This meal is for customers who are lactose-intolerant and cannot consume dairy products. It may contain: Meat, fish, pasta, rice, potatoes, vegetables, and fruit. Does not contain: Milk, yoghurt, cheese, croissants, soft rolls, ice cream, sherbet, pudding, and all other dairy products.
Low-Calorie Meal (LCML) - This meal is for customers on a low-calorie diet. It may contain: Lean meats, low-fat dairy, complex carbohydrates and steamed or poached prepared foods as a cooking style. Does not contain: Fried or fatty foods, sugar, full cream dairy products, fatty meats, sweets, sauces such as mayonnaise, and salad dressing.
Low Cholesterol / Fat Meal (LFML) - This meal is for customers on a low fat diet with limited amounts of saturated fat. It may contain: Lean meats, poultry, fish, low-fat dairy products, egg whites, wholegrain bread, fresh fruit and steamed or poached prepared foods as a cooking style. Does not contain: Fried or fatty foods, animal fats, egg yolks, full cream dairy products, shellfish, fatty meats, and nuts.
