■ 해외여행/여행영어

해외여행 필수영어 1. 입국심사 (팟캐스트 일빵빵 영어회화 대본)

도공 2023. 5. 7. 23:03

해외여행 필수영어 1. 입국심사
(팟캐스트 일빵빵 영어회화 - 가장 많이 쓰는 여행영어) + 추가 자료

1. 방문 목적

Q. What’s the purpose of your visit?

- (I am here) to + 동사
- I am here to travel.
- I am here to visit my friend.
- To travel.  
- To visit my fiend.

- (I am here) for + 명사
- I am here for a trip.
- I am here for sightseeing.
- For a trip.
- For sightseeing.

- I’m here on vacation.
- I’m here on business.

Q. Are you here for pleasure?
관광하러 오신 건가요?
- Yes, I am.

2. 체류 기간

: How long will you stay?
: How long are you goning to stay here?

- I will stay for ~
- I will stay for two weeks.
- I will stay for a week.
- I will stay for three days.

- I will go back to my country ~
- I will go back to my country this Friday.
- I will go back to my country next Monday.

3. 체류 장소

: Where will you be staying?

- I will stay at ~.
- I will stay at ABC hotel.
- I will stay at my friend’s.


4. 직업

: What’s your job? occupation?

- I am a student.
- I am an office worker in Korea.

5. 소지금

: How much money are you bringing?
: How much money do you have?

- 500 dallars in cash.  
