■ 해외여행/여행영어

헤일리쌤 영어쉐도잉 100문장 (일상 생활 영어 100문장)

도공 2023. 8. 22. 16:39

헤일리쌤 유튜브 영어공부 1일 차

헤일리쌤 영어쉐도잉 100문장 (일상생활 영어 100 문장)

1. Time to get up.

2. You’re up early.

3. Was I snoring?
나 코 골았어?

4. My alarm didn’t go off.

5. Did you make your bed?

6. Well, I’m off to bed.

7. Sleep tight.
잘 자

8. Don’t stay up too late.

9. Sorry I woke you. Go back to sleep.

10. I slept like a log last night.
나 어젯밤 정말 곯아떨어졌어.

11. I have to get to work.

12. Oh, I’m late for work.

13. We have to drop the kids off at school.

14. Hey, you on your way home?

15. I’m home.

16. So, how was work today?

17. Go wash your hands.

18. Time to brush your teeth.

19. Well, I’m gonna go freshen up.
난 씻으러 가야겠다.

20. I’m just gonna take a quick shower.

21. I just washed my hair.

22. I’m taking a bath!

23. I’m not dressed yet.

24. I need more time to put on my makeup.

25. That jacket looks good on you.

26. You’re wearing it backwards.
너 그 옷 거꾸로 입었다.

27. Have you seen my purse?

28. Anyone seen my car keys?

29. Will you be home for dinner?

30. I’m gonna be home late tonight.

31. Bring an umbrella. It’s supposed to rain.

32. Drive safe.

33. Have you eaten?

34. Want to grab some lunch?

35. What do you feel like for dinner?

36. I’m in the mood for a cheeseburger.
나 치즈버거 당긴다.

37. Do you wanna order in or go out?

38. I’ll pick up some Chinese for dinner.

39. Can I pass on dinner tonight?

40. Let’s dig in.

41. Let me make you some coffee.

42. Do we have any orange juice left?

43. We’re out of milk.

44. This chicken expires today.

45. I think the mayonnaise has gone bad.
이 마요네즈 상한 것 같아.

46. Put it in the freezer.

47. I’m just gonna microwave it.

48. I’ll heat you up some leftovers.
내가 남은 음식 좀 데워 올게.

49. I’m gonna go grocery shopping, you guys want anything?

50. You wanna go get us some cereal and I’ll meet you at the checkout?

51. We made a pretty substantial Costco run.
우리 코스트코에서 사재기를 왕창 했어.

52. I’ll do the dishes.

53. Make sure you rinse those plates before you put them in the dishwasher.

54. We’re low on detergent.
우리 세제 얼마 안 남았다.

55. I’m gonna go do my laundry.

56. I have to go fold some laundry.

57. Did you put my dress in dryer?

58. I’m going by the dry cleaner’s, anything you want me to drop off?

59. I have to pick up my dry cleaning.

60. Did you vacuum the front room?

61. Put the books away.

62. I’m gonna go water the plants.

63. You forgot to empty this trash can.

64. I’m taking out the trash.

65. Tomorrow is trash day, so make sure all the cans are out front.

66. It’s kind of stuffy in here. Let me open the window.

67. Can you pass me the remote?

68. Can you turn the volume up?

69. Can you keep it down just a little bit?

70. It’s 2:00 in the moring.

71. Would you turn off the light?

72. Can you remeber to turn off the stove in twenty minutes?

73.  Oh, I think I left the stove on.

74. Oh my god, I left the water running.

75. Can you grab me some toilet paper?

76. The kitchen sink is clogged. Don’t use it.

77. My phone’s about to die.

78. You don’t have a charger on you, do you?

79. You want a treat?

80. Do you want to go for a walk?

81. We’re going on a car ride!

82. Should we take him to the vet?

83. I’m gonna hit the gym.

84. I wanna go running before it gets dark.

85. Let’s go get some fresh air.

86. This is me.
여기가 우리 집이야.

87. I was just in the neighborhood.
마침 근처에 있었어.

88. I’m having friends over tomorrow.
나 내일 친구들 부를 거야.

89. Come on up.

90. Sorry, my room’s a mess.

91. Make yourself at home.
편하게 있어.

92. Feel free to raid the fridge.
냉장고 마음대로 뒤져도 돼.

93. I’m not feeling so hot.
나 컨디션이 좀 안 좋아.

94. I feel like I’m coming down with something.

95. Are you sure you don’t want to go see a doctor?

96. You feeling any better?

97. I have a dentist’s appointment today.

98. I booked a facial for this morning.
나 아침에 피부관리 예약해 놨어.

99. I just got my nails done.

100. You got a haircut. It looks nice.
